Saturday, January 5, 2013

Evening Rituals

In 2012 I said good-bye to my first love, my Sony DSLR. She had become an extension of my hand and eyes. I knew her ins and outs -how to freeze in time the delights before my eyes. My subjects rarely varied, as I'm drawn to capturing those I love most dearly, but my skill improved and my eye sharpened thanks to that little camera. But, alas, my Sony had a fatal flaw. So I traded her in and, I must admit, I miss the comfort of her quirky ways.

The new camera is shiny and different. I don't feel comfortable with it and the ease with which I had previously captured lifes moments has escaped me a little. In an effort to combat the stagnation I feel and to develop a new bond I decided to partake in a photo project this year called "This is our life" sponsored by Paint The Moon. Each week of the year there will be a photo theme prompt and the goal is to then take a picture (or 300) that depicts that idea. 

Knowing me, narrowing it down to 1 photo a week is going to be basically impossible if it involves these two munchkins...

...but regardless my hope is to succeed each week and chronicle my photo journey here.
For week 1 the theme is: Evening Rituals.

One of my favorite rituals is what Owen has dubbed as being "Warm and Cozy." He loves to be wrapped up in copious amounts of towels and when he's feeling particularly lovey-dovey he asks to be snuggled on our laps and to sing songs. It's usually brief and sometimes it's hard to pause and take those extra moments when you're tired and ready for the little people to be in bed but it's always worth it.

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