Friday, June 14, 2013

Wk 21: This makes me feel safe

I have two boys who are suckers for their "Nigh-Nights."
One loves a ragged sheep to pieces and is instantly soothed by his presence in times of distress.
If he had it his way this lamb would accompany him at all times day or night but sadly "Nigh-night" is banished to the bed during waking hours. For awhile there Owen would "put Nigh-night" to bed, laying him on his bed and sweetly patting his lamby's back while singing him one of his favorite songs. Too cute.  

Jesse is turning out to be more of a blankie kid although he does love in particular Owen's giraffe. This giraffe is the only thing that Jesse will bestow kisses upon. Every once in awhile I will hear him walking around smacking his lips (the noise he makes when kissing) and sure enough the giraffe will be in hand. But when he's tired or wants to snuggle his camo blanket is the thing he searches for. 
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