Sunday, October 28, 2012

On Becoming Best Buds


The pictures are blurry and grainy. They irk my perfectionist side. But then I stop and look at what I've captured - two little boys who are becoming best buds. The reminders to Owen to stop squishing his brother are constant and the quest for balance between letting them be and curbing the smaller one from getting hurt is ongoing, they are equally enthralled with one another. Mostly, I get to see my boys delight in being together. I doubt Owen remembers life without Jesse. He is learning to be kind, to share, and to look out for his younger brother. But one thing we didn't have to teach him was to love him. While I tire of disciplining and repeating the same lines over and over ("Owen, get off your brother. Owen, look in my eyes, Jesse is little and you can't tackle him") I think the root of his physicality stems from wanting Jesse to hurry and grow up so they can truly be Best buds.
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