Monday, October 3, 2011

Dress Up!

Naomi Constance Stroh
Meet my sweet little niece Naomi. She is one week old today. Last week she was making her debut, an event I had the immense pleasure of being a part of, tears of joy welling in my eyes as I watched my strong, courageous and beautiful sister-in-law bring her into this world. My role is a quiet one, to capture those moments of the birth process that are so inspiring, so tender, so full of emotion. This time around was just as precious as it was when Levi was born. I planned on posting some of those photos, but then today happened...

For her inaugural one week old celebration, Casey decided to introduce Naomi to the wonderful world of dress up. It just so happened to coincide with the newborn photo shoot I was about to engage in - perfect. What is more precious than a tiny naked baby girl with a flower adorning her head and pearls draped across her chest? Nothing, I tell you, nothing is more precious than that.

Tiny sweet Naomi, I so look forward to all things princess and ballet with you in the years to come. What fun it will be to watch you bring a sparkle to this boy filled family. Having grown up amidst all things boy, I will make sure you have an appreciation for fort building, Legos and snakes but make your girlie mark sweet girl for it is priceless and beautiful.


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1 comment:

Daveeed said...

Lovely photos and commentary mi're good! Papa