Sunday, August 21, 2011

Owen lately

Mr. Owen is 15th fabulous months old. He is like a good wine (not that I would know since I'm allergic) he gets better with that bad that I just compared my toddler to an alcoholic beverage? Anyway, since I'm no longer doing a month by month account of his life in his baby book, I need to write a few things down so I don't forget the wonderful and funny things about him at this time. So, if you're interested continue on, if you're not, just look at his cute pictures and move on.

*Walking, walking walking - He started taking steps on his own in June, by Father's day he was getting pretty confident, by July he was was in the Franken-baby stage arms held out in front. August came and its so easy to forget that not too long ago he was barely even crawling.
*Due to the walking he has lots of bumps and bruises adoring his forehead and legs at all times.
*He has learned how to climb...yikes! I now have to barricade the fireplace upstairs because I found him standing up inside of the chimney in pursuit of his ball.
*He crawls up and down the stairs.
*Balls are his most favorite source of entertainment he loves to kick them, throw them, and make stools and counters in to basketball hoops.
*He thinks leaping off the ottoman into a pile of couch pillows is pretty much the best thing ever.
*He loves to read books
*He plays so well by himself.
*He is dropping his morning nap, which is both exciting and sad.
*He goes to bed at 7:30p.m. and sleeps till 7:30 a.m. like a rock.
*No more binky as of last week.
*He weighs 24 lbs and is 33 inches tall (50% for weight, 95% for height...the Carlson genes live on!)
*He loves trying to feed himself and is getting particular about wanting his food to be properly served from a plate or a bowl.
*He thinks he can talk and carries on all sorts of unintelligible conversations with us.
*Words he says: Mama, dada, adios, hello, ball, dog (sounds like duck), uh-oh
*He tries to's hilarious.

Playing basketball...he made this up himself.


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