I'm not sure our vacation to Maui would qualify as a vacation. There was little relaxing apart from the 2 1/2 hours of blessed nap time we got each afternoon. There was always someone who was hungry, needed to sleep, required supervision, discipline or another application of sunscreen. But aside from all the work there were also countless hours of playing with our boys in the water, watching their hesitancy of crashing waves subside or their courage in the pool increase. Owen figured out how to float on his back one afternoon in the pool all by himself (with his water-wing life jacket strapped on of course.) Jesse continually amazed us with his bravery dunking himself under water, bouncing along the side of the pool and "jumping" off the steps to us. We all chuckled at the similar trait of determination between Jesse and his older cousin Levi - two boys who walked early and want to conquer the world.

To be honest we didn't do a whole lot. There were a few day trips here and there to different beaches, a morning of exploration at the aquarium, and evening outing on occasion. Getting from our room to the pool every day basically required a Sherpa and so we were all pretty content to spend our days playing by the pool or the beach in front of our hotel.
A few of the funniest moments for me were oddly in the middle of the night. Owen had a few rough nights which is quite unusual for him but time change and the lack of a real bed would do that to anyone. On the first night he decided that it was time to wake up at 4:30 a.m. (7:30 a.m. our time.) In an effort to get to him to go back to sleep we brought him in to bed with us. He laid there quietly for awhile, then started humming to himself, then proceeded to roll over and whisper so sweetly to me "Mama, I love you. You're a princess" followed by his little hand stroking my hair and back. It's hard to be harsh with someone when they're being that sweet. Another night towards the end of the trip he woke up frightened from a bad dream, so after the usual routine of going potty, praying and singing a song, as I prepared to leave him in his little makeshift bed in the closet he piped up and said "Mama, I miss you. Will you snuggle me?" Full of one liners that sly little one!